July 8 - 15, 2024


The Academy has established a partnership with the Ecole Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot to offer you the best artistic and pedagogical quality in an exceptional setting, rich in the French musical tradition and unique in Paris.

The Academy is organized on the principle of artistic exchange. The professors are all holders of teaching chairs in leading European, Russian, Asian or American conservatories or universities. Classes are held in French and English.

You will be welcomed according to your artistic objectives. The academy wishes to help you progress in a friendly and demanding atmosphere, and to prepare you as well as possible for the deadlines which are yours, going from the simple pleasure of artistic play to the preparation of international competitions. The encounter with other pedagogies and other approaches will allow you to evolve and enrich yourself through contact with teachers and other trainees from different horizons and cultures.


Classes are held during the day in the premises of the Ecole Normale de Musique Alfred Cortot. A working environment particularly conducive to artistic development is thus offered.

The program of works is free and proposed by each student.

The course schedule is established jointly with the teacher chosen at the beginning of the course. Each student benefits from individual lessons during the Academy. He/she can also freely attend all the classes of the other classes as an auditor. The pedagogical organization itself is left to the discretion of the teacher, who establishes it according to the size of his or her class and artistic orientations.

Registration as a trainee allows for the use of a studio for a minimum of 2 hours per day, in addition to the classes. For string and vocal students, a pianist accompanist is available outside of class, depending on availability. A number of additional options are available and detailed on the registration page.

Registration for the course also gives access to all the concerts of the festival.


A new program dedicated to voice performance